I wrote this page, as a rookie homeschooler to my fifth grader & Kindergartener, to share some of our academic objectives for the year along with some resources I have selected. I hope other home educating parents might pick up some valuable resources, and that they, along with our family and friends, can offer me ideas and suggestions! Please sign the guestbook, and share your tips on resources and activities.
We are committed library fanatics. I located many recommended resources, and discovered some new ones, by looking through the local libraries' on-line catalog. I included a mix of books for younger and older children, as - in most cases - I will be reading to both children together (and will often include a 2-year-old & 3-year-old as well!). Some books may be above grade level, for read-alouds or for my daughter, who reads above her grade level. I chose non-fiction books which I believed would be interesting "living books," fiction books, and picture books (both fiction and non-fiction). There is a wonderful range of interesting books, both fiction and non-fiction, reflecting true facts about the lives of animals, plants, and other living things, as well as revealing information about geography and history. In some cases, I also selected stories with anthropomorphic animals. I think all these kids of books have their place.
The specific library listings might help other families who live in the Augusta County, VA area. Unless otherwise indicated, these materials should be found in the children's section of the specified local library. Please note that I have listed only one location for each book. I looked for books in the Staunton Library first; if they were not available there I looked at the Augusta County Library, then Waynesboro, then Churchville. Some of these books may be available in more than one location. Please see the
libraries' online catalogue for more information. Books that are not in your library's collection may be available through interlibrary loan (ILL). Please note that some libraries (including ours) to charge a small fee for this service.
Picture books, easy readers, and fiction (such as chapter books) are alphabetized by author. For non-fiction, I included call numbers. Of course, these numbers can also be used to help locate sources in other libraries.
I have not yet seen most of these resources. Therefore, in most cases, they are not really recommendations, just ideas. Of course, each family should preview these and any other materials to select those which fit with their individual educational goals and values. Some books on this list may contain ideas, such as Evolutionary Theory, which are incompatible with some families' beliefs. In have tried to include brief annotations which make it clear when this content is included.
As the year goes on, I will prune this list, add new resources, and include annotations or reviews to many titles. I hope this page will become progressively more helpful to other families. Please share any suggestions!
The Life Cycle of a Bird by Bobbie Kalman & Kathryn Smithyman (Staunton Library J 598 K)
When Birds Change their Feathers by Roma Gans (Aug. Co. Lib. 598.2)
Everything You Never Learned About Birds: Lore & Legends, Science & Nature, Hands-On Projects by Rebecca Rupp (written by a well known homeschool author) (grades 4+) (Craigsville Lib. J 598 Rup)
The Science of Birds by Janice Parker (Living Science series)(RL = 4.1) (Staunton Library NF(Juv) 598 P)
Birds by Lynn M. Stone (Describes how birds living in the desert adapt to the harsh environment.) (Staunton Library NF(Juv) 598 S)
Beaks! by Sneed B. Collard III (Pre-K - 3)(Simple text describes various bird beaks and how birds use them to eat, hunt, and gather food. Includes a quiz.)(Aug. Co. Lib. J 598 Col)
The Birds by Roger Tory Peterson/Time-Life Books (An illustrated survey of bird life, describing evolution, physiology, migration and flight patterns, wing and body communication, nesting, feeding, and family life.) (Staunton Library J 598.2 P)
Birds by Rosamund Kidman Cox & Barbara Cork (Usborne) (Staunton Library 598.2)
Prehistoric Birds:
Little Dinosaurs & Early Birds by John Kaufman (Staunton Library 568.2 K)
Flying Giants of Long Ago by John Kaufman (Aug. Co. Lib. E 560)
Perching Birds of North America by Sara Swan Miller (Passerines) (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
Rainforest Birds by Bobbie Kalman (Staunton Library J 598 K)
Types of Birds (Yikes! No, we're not going to try to study ALL these; not even close!)
a. Ratites & Tinamous
b. Albatrosses & Petrels
c. Penguins
Penguins: From Emperors to Macaronis by Erin Pembrey Swan, et al (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Nanu, Penguin Chick
Penguin - A Funny Bird
7 Weeks on an Iceberg
Penguins by Bobbie Kalman (Staunton Library J 598.441 K)
d. Divers & Grebes
e. Pelicans & their allies
Pelicans, Cormorants, and Their Kin by Erin Pembrey Swan (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
f. Herons & their allies
g. Raptors
Birds of Prey: From Falcons to Vultures by Sara Swan Miller, et al (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
Raptors by Bobbie Kalman (Staunton Library J 598.9 K)
h. Waterfowl & Screamers
Waterfowls: From Swans to Screamers by Sara Miller (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
i. Gamebirds
Chickens and Peafowl: What They Have in Common by Mark J. Rauzon, et al (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
j. Cranes & their allies
k. Waders & Shorebirds
Shorebirds: From Stilts to Sanderlings by Sara Swan Miller, et al (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
Wading Birds: From Herons to Hammerkops by Sara Swan Miller (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
l. Pigeons & Sandgrouse
m. Parrots
Parrots Around the World by Mark J. Rauzon (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
Town Parrot by Penelope Bennett (Staunton Library Picture Book)
n. Turacos & Cuckoos
o. Owls, Frogmouths & Nightjars
Owls: The Silent Hunters by Sara Swan Miller (Animals in Order series)
(ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
Owls by Bobbie Kalman (Staunton Library J 598.97 K)
p. Swifts & Hummingbirds
q. Mousebirds & Trogons
r. Kingfishers & their Allies
s. Woodpeckers & Barbets
Woodpeckers, Toucans, and Their Kin by Sara Swan Miller (Animals in Order series) (Waynesboro Lib. j 598.72)
t. Broadbills & Pittas
u. Ovenbirds & their allies
v. Tyrant Flycatchers & their allies
w. Lyrebirds & Scrubbirds
x. Larks & Wagtails
y. Swallows
z. Cuckooshrikes
aa.Bulbuls & Leafbirds
bb.Shrikes & Vangas
cc.Waxwings & their allies
dd.Mockingbirds & Accentors
ee.Dippers & Thrushes
ff.Babblers & Wrens
gg.Warblers & Flycatchers
hh.Fairy Wrens & their allies
ii.Logrunners & their allies
jj.Monarchs & their allies
ll.Nuthatches & Treecreepers
mm.Honeyeaters & their allies
oo.Buntings & Tanagers
pp.Wood Warblers & Icterids
rr.Starlings & their Allies
ss.New Zealand Wattlebirds
tt.Magpie-larks & their allies
uu.Bowerbirds & Birds of Paradise
vv.Crows & Jays
(Animals in Order Series)(Staunton Library 599.2S)
A Koala is Not a Bear by Hannelore Sotzek & Bobbie Kalman)(Staunton Library 599.2S)
The Life Cycle of a Koala by Bobbie Kalman & Heather Levigne (Aug. Lib. J 599.25)
c. Edentates (toothless mammals)
Anteaters, Sloths & Armadillos (Animals in Order series) (ILL or buy from Rainbow Resource)
d. Insectivores
Moles and Hedgehogs: What They Have in Common by Sara Swan Miller (Animals in Order series) (Aug. Co. Lib. J 599.33)
e. Tree Shrews
f. Flying Lemurs
g. Chiroptera (Bats)
Bats: Mammals That Fly by Marlene Sway (Animals in Order series) (Staunton Library NF(Juv) 599.4S)
What Is a Bat? by Bobbie Kalman & Heather Levigne (Waynesboro Lib. j599.4)
Cave by Roma Gans (Staunton Library NF(Juv) 551.447)
Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats by Ann Earle (Let's Read and Find Out Science Series)(K-4) (Staunton Library NF(Juv) 599.4 E)
Bats by Gail Gibbons (Staunton Library
NF(Juv) 599.4 G)
Bat Loves the Night by Nicola Davies (Bat wakes up, flies into the night, uses the echoes of her voice to navigate, hunts for her supper, and returns to her roost to feed her baby) (Aug. Co. Lib. Easy Fiction E Davies)
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon (Staunton Library Picture Books)
Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel (When a newborn bat named Shade but sometimes called "Runt" becomes separated from his colony during migration, he grows in ways that prepare him for even greater journeys.) (Staunton Library J Fiction or soundrecording on CD)
h. Primates
Primates: From Howler Monkeys to Humans by Erin Pembrey Swan (Animals in Order series) (Buy from Rainbow Resource or ILL)
I Like Monkeys Because by Peter Hansard (Aug. Co. Lib. E 599.8)
Gorillas: Gentle Giants of the Forest by Joyce Milton (Aug. Co. Lib. E 599.88)
i. Carnivores
Land Predators of North America by Erin Pembrey Swan (Animals in Order series) (Buy from Rainbow Resource or ILL)
Dog Family:
What is a Dog? by Bobbie Kalman & Hannelore Sotzek (Staunton Lib.-J-636.7)
Everything Dog: Kids' FAQs by Marty Crisp (Aug. Co. Lib.-J-636.7)
The Life Cycle of a Wolf by Bobbie Kalman & Amanda Bishop (Aug. Co. Lib.-J-599.773)
Cat Family:
Big Cats by Bobbie Kalman (Staunton Library-puppet book)
Little Cats by Bobbie Kalman & Tammy Everts (Staunton Library-puppet book)
The Life Cycle of a Lion by Bobbie Kalman & Amanda Bishop (Waynesboro Library-J-599.757)
Bears by Bobbie Kalman & Tammy Everts (Staunton Library-J-599.79446)
What is a Bear? by Bobbie Kalman & John Crossingham (Aug. Co. Lib.-J-599.78)
Pandas & Racoons:
Bamboo Valley: A Story of Chinese Bamboo Forest (The Nature Conservancy)
by Ann Whitehead Nagda (ILL?)
Little Panda: World Welcomes Hua Mei at the San Diego Zoo by Joanne Ryder (Staunton Library-NF(Juv)-599.7444 R)
Pi-Shu the Little Panda by John Butler (Staunton Library-Picture Book)
Andre by Lew Dietz (Staunton has book on cassette & video)
Boy Who Lived With the Seals by Rafe Martin (traditional Chinook story) (Staunton Library-Picture Book)
Islands of Ice: Story of a Harp Seal by Kathleen M. Hollenbeck (Smithsonian Oceanic Collection)Not yet released. Preschool-Grade 2--"An icy wind howls off the eastern coast of Canada. It races over dark, frigid water in the Gulf of St. Lawrence-." So begins this lovely, simple story about Seal Pup, a young harp seal born on an ice floe off the coast of Canada. By using straightforward text, author Kathleen M. Hollenbeck manages to impart a lot of information about the life of a harp seal. The simple, unsentimental text and the beautiful accompanying illustrations will help children empathize with the young seal who manages to successfully fend for herself after she is left on her own at the age of two weeks. Excerpt from annotation on Amazon.com by Susan Price, London Public Library, Ontario, Canada; Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
Seal Pup Grows Up: the Story of a Harbor Seal by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld (Staunton Library-Picture Book; also available with cassette)
j. Whales & Dolphins
Whales & Dolphins: What They Have in Common by Elizabeth Tayntor Gowell (Animals in Order Series) (Buy from Rainbow resource for $5.50 or ILL)
Dolphins by Tammy Everts & Bobby Kalman (Staunton Library-599.53 E)
What is a Whale? by Bobby Kalman & Heather Levigne (Staunton Library-599.5 K)
The Blue Whale by Kazua Mizamura (Staunton Library-599.5 M)
Do Whales Ever...? by Nathalie Ward (ILL?)
Animals of the Oceans Series
Beluga Passage by Linda Lingemann (Staunton Library-Picture Book)
Big Blue Whale by Nicola Davies (Staunton Library-NF(Juv)-599.51 D)
Humphrey the Lost Whale: a True Story by Wendy Tokuda and Richard Hall (Staunton Library-Picture Book or Puppet Book)
Orcas Around Me: My Alaskan Summer by Deborah Page
Whales: Visual Introduction to Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises by Bernard Stonehouse, Martin Camm (ILL?)
k. Sea Cows
l. Elephants
m. Odd-Toed Ungulates (like horses, rhinoceroses, tapirs, asses, and zebras)
Horses and Rhinos: What They Have in Common (Animals in Order series)
by Sara Swan Miller (buy from Rainbow Resource or ILL)
What is a Horse? by Bobbie Kalman & Heather Levigne (Aug. Co. Lib.-J-636.1)
n. Hyraxes
o. Aardvark
p. Even-Toed Ungulates (like ibex, yak, hippopotamus, deer, camels, and pigs)
Camels & Pigs: What They Have in Common (Animals in Order series)
by Erin Pembrey Swan, Jose Gonzales, Steve Savage (buy from Rainbow Resource or ILL)
Giraffes by Bobbie Kalman & Greg Nickles (Staunton Library-J-599.7359 K)
q. Pangolins
r. Rodents
Rodents: From Mice to Muskrats by Sara Swan Miller (Animals in Order series) (Aug. Co. Lib. 599.35 Mil)
What is a Rodent? by Bobbie Kalman & Jacqueline Langills (Waynesboro Lib.-J-599.523)
Think of a Beaver by Karen Wallace (Staunton Library-Picture Book)
I Love Guinea Pigs by Dick King-Smith (Staunton Library-Picture Book)
Mousekin's Birth by Edna Miller(ILL? ASIN: 0136041329)
s. Lagomorphs (rabbits, hares & pikas)
Animal Lives: The Rabbit by Sally Tagholm (Staunton Library NF(Juv) 599.322 T)
t. Elephant Shrews
Home Learning Year by Year: How to Design a Homeschool Curriculum from Preschool Through High School by Rebecca Rupp (2000) New York, New Rivers Press.
The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home
by Susan Wise Bauer & Jessie Wise
Science Through Children's Literature: An Integrated Approach by Carol & John Butzow (1989) Englewood, CO, Teacher Ideas Press.
The Usborne Illustrated Encyclopedia: The Natural World by Lisa Watts.
The Encyclopedia of Animals (1993) San Francisco, Fog City Press.