Ambleside Online
Free on-line curriculum, with an extensive booklist, based on the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education. This is a tremendous resource, with numerous articles on Charlotte Mason education. It includes a link to Mason's Original Homeschooling Series, published for free on-line, along with several mail groups. Though I do not follow the Ambleside curriculum, I have been inspired by the Charlotte Mason philosophy, and believe this to be the most comprehensive Charlotte Mason homeschooling site on the web.
Penny Gardner's Web Site I have spent a great deal of time at this site, by one of the popular interpreters of the Charlotte Mason method (
A Charlotte Mason Study Guide), learning about CM education, gathering ideas, and collecting suggestions for reading material. I also use Penny Gardner's narration cube. My daughter welcomes the change from straight narration. The site includes articles on many aspects of Charlotte Mason education, including articles on specific subjects of study and some resources for sale.
Ideas from Charlotte Mason: The Science of Relations
Thoughtful and articulate discussion of Charlotte Mason's ideas; offers helpful suggestions on nature study and narration. I really like Wendi's writing, and find her suggestions interesting and practical.
JunglewalkFun site with an index of many animals; offers online photos, videos, and links to more information on each animal.
We often browse the long, alphabetized list of animals, which are linked to beautiful color photos and brief lists of links to more information about that species. I've never been able to get the nature videos to run on our computer, but I bet kids love them.
E-Pals Classroom ExchangeOpportunity to write to online pen pals; an interesting way for kids to practice writing and correspondence skills. So far my daughter has found e-pals in Quebec and the British Virgin Islands, and she is seeking an e-pal in Germany. For the first time, she
asked to spend time looking at the world map on our dining room wall. What could be a better living education in geography and social studies?
Education Place: Graphic Organizers from Houghton-Mifflin Co.
A wonderful collection of graphic organizers. I printed out many of these and keep a folder full of graphic organizers on hand for my daughter and me.
Vegsource.com Talk and SwapDiscussion boards virtually every topic related to homeschooling. I like the "swap" boards for second-hand books and other educational materials.
Yahoo GroupsThere are many online homeschooling support groups to be found here. My personal favorites are the mail group for our local homeschooling support group, CMSpecialKids (for Charlotte Mason-type homeschoolers whose kids have unique learning needs), and a few others.
Enchanted Learning A massive selection of lesson plans and activities. The site is free, though a members' site is available for an annual $20 fee. This eliminates ads and makes the resources download more quickly.
Last, but definitely not least ...
10. Our local library web site. I am one of the all-time great library fanatics. Now you can browse the library catalogue on-line, finding out what they have available before you even get there, and renew books online. I love modern technology ... love it!
Stephanie Marshall WardThis page was last updated on 7/30/04. All materials are copyright of the author.
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